robotic process engineer smart factory machine learning 5g control ai generative asiakkaat


Technology Partnership

Wapice has been working in close collaboration with leading industrial companies since the year 1999. The success of our customers is vital to us and we want to help them make the most of the opportunities offered by digitalization.

Our Customer Base

Our customer base consists of both large and small businesses. Our focus industries include: moving machines, manufacturing, construction, public sector, energy and logistics. Take a closer look at our customer cases and see how we helped our customers to succeed!

Customer Success Stories

leica banner

Leica Geosystems & Wapice: Seamless Integration in Software Development

  • Software Development Services
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Atria uses Wapice’s data collection solution to enhance knowledge-based management

  • Software Development Services

Case Ponsse: Flexible and secure platform built on a solid architecture

  • Software Development Services
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More efficiency to piling through digitalization

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Smart traffic solution in Oulu: low-carbon mobility and smoother access to services

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Owatec develops the user experience and sales of modular water purification systems with the help of IoT-TICKET

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Artificial Intelligence recognizes incorrectly parked cars and free parking spaces in Tampere

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Pulssi service predicts urban people flow with IoT-TICKET and AI

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World Championship Hockey and high-tech meet at Nokia Arena – Wapice’s AI solution helps optimize people flows

eb653dc5dc788e59e6ca1f1e6e2923bd2bfb1a40 visittamperetampereenratikkatramwayspring2021lauravanzo

High quality data paves the road towards an optimized and prosperous city – affordably

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Schaeffler selects Wapice IoT-TICKET as its global IoT platform

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Purso’s luminaire sales process was digitalised with Summium® CPQ

  • Summium CPQ
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Cost-effective and uniform trading in the Elbas balancing power market

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How Lumme Energia made user rights management effortless with Wapice IAM

  • Software Development Services
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Wapice IoT-TICKET as part of Loimua’s strategic journey of change

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Long-term cooperation in the development of sales digitalization

  • Summium CPQ
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Intelligent services to support elevator maintenance

  • Software Development Services
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Summium® CPQ simplified the work of Kasten dealers

  • Summium CPQ
f8cfe424450c069d9997f3b1cbe1e96e89d30ec6 hydraulicimpacthammers

Wapice’s diagnostic solution for Junttan’s piling machines

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Controlling product variations with Summium® CPQ

  • Summium CPQ
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Hydoring digitalized its sales process from request for quotation to order

  • Summium CPQ
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Helen chose Wapice Energy Services to monitor solar power plants

  • Ecoreaction Energy Monitoring
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Smart Tampere: The IoT platform supports city decision makers and improves the resident experience

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Helen Sävel Plus for monitoring energy consumption

  • Ecoreaction Energy Monitoring
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How TP Silva is Using IoT-TICKET to Transform the Firewood Processor Business

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Scalable IoT solution for machine control systems

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Summium® CPQ takes Ekeri’s sales process to a new level

  • Summium CPQ
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Wapice designed a road damage detection solution for Destia

  • Software Development Services
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Danfoss Drives uses IoT and AI to provide top-class lifecycle solutions

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Modern sensor technology brings intelligent and proactive maintenance

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Summium® CPQ lifted Bronto Skylift’s sales to new heights

  • Summium CPQ
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Cloud-based service for efficient handling of calibration certificates

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Global Runway Reporter ensures safe, efficient and consistent reporting on runway condition

  • Software Development Services
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UPM Energy offers future-proof energy management with BeyondSpot® service

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Visual design tool for supporting the sale of transformer products

  • Summium CPQ
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Intelligent Vaasa: IoT platform reduces carbon footprint, streamlines travelling, and saves costs

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Massive scale remote monitoring of real estate

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EcoReaction provides energy consumption data for Vaasan Sähkö’s mobile service

  • Ecoreaction Energy Monitoring
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Granlund digitalises real estate monitoring with Wapice’s IoT solution


Powering sales with 3D product configuration

  • Summium CPQ
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Wapice streamlined and unified Adven’s energy reporting solutions

  • Ecoreaction Energy Monitoring
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Wapice implemented an innovative digital control system for Framery One pods

  • Software Development Services
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Powering the maintenance of Dubai’s luxury villas

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Summium® CPQ streamlines the pricing of stair solutions

  • Summium CPQ
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Äänekosken Energia switched smoothly to EcoReaction

  • Ecoreaction Energy Monitoring

Easy-to-use spot price interface for Vaasan Sähkö

  • Ecoreaction Energy Monitoring

Our Customers & Partners Include