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Shaping the smart world of tomorrow

  • energy services
  • digitalisation
  • iot-ticket


Our interest is in the future because we are going to spend the rest of our lives there

Knowledge, technology and innovation have always been key drivers triggering advancements in our lives – from machines supporting automation to advancements in the medical or social domain. While every single improvement pushes us one step ahead, the big question for us always remained: What if we could connect everything with everything – digest the information, listen and learn. Classify and quantify the data. Automatically produce a highly desired output: a new product, service, process or stimulate an idea. Everything with the goal to shape the future.

The new “smart”

Everything is getting smarter – from Smart Automotive, Smart Healthcare, Smart Cities, Smart Shopping, Smart Governance, Smart Infrastructure to Smart Machines to name a few areas. The backbone of all those “smart” offerings typically is digitalization and the “Internet of Things”. As a reader familiar with Wapice you might already have noticed that our award winning IoT-TICKET product combined with our AI services are at the very heart of this movement. If you’re not familiar with those, you should definitely check them out as we have world leading solutions on the market. We’ve been powering the industry and society with innovation for over 20 years to create a smarter future.

Shaping the future

The Internet of Things is for its stakeholders – machines as well as people. Hence the most important aspects are ease of access and ease of use. To make it available for everyone. Truly democratizing digital. We have been very successful with our customers and partners in the past. Providing them with an innovation platform to create massive-scale, production-grade Internet of Things applications extremely fast. Our customers tell us we have the most complete, modern and easy to use solution on the market. We are fully aware of the impact and importance our products nowadays have. Companies and societies rely on us to keep them going. Rest assured we are working hard to create a glorious future where everybody loves to spend the rest of their lives.

Get your ticket to the digital future and find out more.


mathias gradler

Mathias Grädler

International Sales Director