Wapice’s summer celebration in Marttinen and awesome sports benefits
This year, the Wapice team’s summer trip took place at the end of May. We all decided to go together to Marttinen holiday village in Virrat, by the lakeside. Over 120 Wapiceans from all over Finland eagerly set off to Virrat, looking forward to the shared summer trip. We were in for plenty of sunshine and encounters with both old and new acquaintances.
Everyone could choose their activities according to their own interests, and there was something for everyone among the options: zip lining, a railbike tour, canoeing, electric mountain biking, as well as a traditional village tour and nature trail. In the evening, the sauna was heated, and we got to take a refreshing swim in the clear water. The delicious food at the Marttinen holiday village also received a special mention from the Wapiceans, and there was plenty of it available.
To celebrate the hype around our new bike benefit, we also organized a bike testing event at the venue. Employees had the opportunity to test bikes that suited their needs, with guidance from professionals. Some testers were excited about the ease of riding an electric bike, while others were looking to acquire a mountain bike for more intense rides on gravel trails.
The bike benefit complements Wapice’s already comprehensive employee benefits that support people’s physical activity and wellbeing. These include recreational clubs organized for the employees. In different cities, there are weekly opportunities to play sports such as padel, tennis, floorball, and volleyball. Our staff also had the opportunity to vote on starting new clubs, and Wapice supports the implementation of these activities.
As usual, Wapice is participating in the Pyöräilykuntien verkosto ry annual kilometer race, and what could be better than aiming for victory with brand new wheels! The kilometer race is a lighthearted cycling competition lasting five months between work communities, organizations, and groups of friends. The race has three categories: small category, large category, and power category. Wapice is participating in the large category, as this year we have over 30 participants.
After a fantastic summer trip, now is time to enjoy the summer and summer vacations!
Images: © Wapice employees