Smart City Expo World Congress

Smart City Expo World Congress 2024

05.11.2024 – 07.11.2024

If you are passionate about the future of cities and urban living, Barcelona SCEWC is the place to be in November.

The Smart City Expo World Congress is the biggest Smart City event in the whole world. A unique event with +800 cities from +140 countries and over 1000 companies collaborating for future cities.

Wapice, together with Smart City Tampere will be attending a joint booth at the Smart City Expo World Congress in Barcelona 5-7 November 2024. Wapice will be showcasing IoT-TICKET with our most recent smart city and IoT cases as a part of the Nordics+, the Nordic Pavilion. Welcome to meet us at hall 3, stand nr 71.

SmartCity Winner
Tampere palkittiin viime vuoden messuilla sen tavoista hyödyntää tekoälyä ja IoT-alustaa. Järjestelmä pohjautuu Wapicen kehittämään IoT-TICKET-alustaan.

Location and hours

jari kuusisto

Jari Kuusisto

Director, Smart City Business

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Wapice Oy

Akseli Kataja

Software Designer