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OPC UA Solutions

OPC Unified Architecture

OPC UA is a platform independent, open-source standard designed to ensure interoperability, security and reliability in industrial communications. It offers service-oriented architecture that supports both client-server and publish-subscribe communication patterns. Through information modeling it provides a framework to structure and represent complex data, enabling seamless understanding between devices and systems.

Today OPC UA is widely recognized as the key enabler for Industry 4.0. It creates one of the largest communication ecosystems in industrial domain and thousands of mission critical systems trust OPC UA as the backbone for data exchange.

Benefits of OPC UA

  • Platform independent and scalable: OPC UA enables platform and manufacturer-independent connectivity through a standard communication interface
  • Secure: Provides security mechanisms while remaining firewall friendly.
  • Fault tolerant and reliable: Achieved through error handling and redundancy for high availability
  • Industrial interoperability: Standardized interfaces and information modeling
  • Fast development cycle: SDKs and tools available for several programming languages

OPC UA Services

Wapice provides consulting, training, implementation and complete solutions using well-known toolkits and components. Building on the deep knowledge in industrial domain, we can brainstorm your project idea to find the best solution for you. By engaging with our experts you can ensure that right tools and methods are utilized from the very beginning of the project!

Legacy OPC System Solutions

Product lifecycles in industrial automation systems are very long and updating to never revisions is expensive. For this reason, legacy protocols like Modbus, OPC classic DA and OPC classic HDA are still widely used in industry. By converting these legacy protocols to OPC UA it is possible to guarantee industrial interoperability and cloud connectivity with secure and reliable manner. We can help you taking into use industry standard solutions that enable protocol conversion from legacy protocol to OPC UA or other modern and secure communication protocol with ease.

OPC UA Training

Need training for your experts? Our OPC UA courses provide a comprehensive introduction to OPC UA.

The training covers the following topics:

  • Introduction to OPC UA: Introduction to OPC UA standard and concepts
  • OPC UA address space model and services: Deep dive to OPC UA fundamentals.
  • OPC UA security: Best practises, security mechanisms and certificate handling
  • Information modeling: Creating custom models, tools and way of working
  • Tools and utilities: Overview of applications to work with OPC UA
  • Programming course with hands-on exercises: Developer-to-developer training with OPC Foundation .NET standard stack. Client and server examples.

We can tailor the training contents according to your needs. Ask for a quote!

Official OPC UA stack from the OPC Foundation has undergone years of development and includes the latest features according to the OPC UA standard. Thanks to .NET Standard, it enables developers to create apps that run on all common platforms. With over 10 years of experience working with this stack, we are proud to be one of the OPC Foundation members in the Nordic region that provides developer training for it.

OPC orig

IoT-TICKET Universal Gateway

Connect Your Asset to Cloud With Ease!

IoT-TICKET Universal Gateway is a great solution for mastering both new and legacy data pipelines in industrial domain. It is an advanced gateway application for extending connectivity from your devices and assets to the cloud. Universal Gateway enables real-time data acquisition from various machinery systems to the cloud using HTTPS or MQTT. For example, real-time data can be acquired from smart building automation systems, wind turbines, engine automation systems, moving machines, production lines, power plants and many other systems.

Supported protocols are industry standard OPC UA, OPC DA and Modbus TCP. Additionally many building automation protocols like oBIX, Ouman, BACNet are supported.

Universal Gateway natively supports connecting to award winning IoT platform, IoT-TICKET.

Key Features
  • Automatic data tag discovery and data transmission
  • Ease of use: Configuration wizard for fast commissioning
  • In-built security
  • Industry 4.0 compatible
  • Scalable architecture
  • Windows service application
  • Portable to other Operating Systems