More efficiency to piling through digitalization
Movax Ltd. uses Wapice IoT-TICKET system, rebranded as mFLEET MANAGEMENT, to power the remote management of their piling machines, improving efficiency of piling and increasing productivity significantly.
Movax is the market leader in its field. The company specializes in the design, development and manufacturing of excavator-mounted piling equipment with advanced control and information management systems. Movax operates in more than sixty countries and six different continents.
Movax’s goal was even more efficient use of digitalization in their business. The core of the project was to ensure the smooth operation of Movax’s customer’s piling equipment by anticipating maintenance needs and to identify operation modes suspectible to malfunctioning.
The Wapice IoT-TICKET solution enables us to meet the ever-growing demand. Bi-directional information allows us to offer expertise to our customers and retailers despite the long distances. Utilizing the data on the cloud is a flexible and fast process, enabling easy development of existing solutions further to meet future needs.
Traditionally, IoT systems for mobile machines have been their own systems. However, the IoT-TICKET platform can flexibly connect different types of information, ensuring future business opportunities are not limited to a single application. Customers may choose different features of the product, including image processing and artificial intelligence.
The future business opportunities of different customers will increase almost exponentially as modern digital solutions are adopted.
Article image: ©Movax
Additional Information

Wapice Ltd.
Markus Mäkelä
Movax Oy