Global Runway Reporter ensures safe, efficient and consistent reporting on runway condition
Software companies Wapice and TopP Oy together with Moventor, a specialist in friction measurement equipment for airports and road surfaces, have developed a solution for the aviation industry that simplifies and standardises runway condition assessment and reporting. Global Runway Reporter is a comprehensive software package for the global market that makes it easier for the runway maintenance staff to report on runway condition and automate information flow.
The condition of runways and the accurate and timely reporting of their condition is one of the most important matters when it comes to aviation safety. It goes without saying that runways must be in good condition, but at least as important is the accuracy and timeliness of the information to enable the captain to take off and land safely. However, significant differences in assessment and communication methods, not to mention security risks, have been found between countries, and steps have been taken to harmonise the assessment and reporting functions through new, global legislation.
Runway status information directly to air traffic control and aircraft cockpit
Global Runway Reporter, provided by Wapice, TopP Oy and Moventor, is a reporting application compliant with the new GRF legislation that enables runway inspectors to report on runway condition. The inspectors report what they observe on the runway to the application, which then analyses the reported data and determines how to interpret the observations in accordance with the legislation. The application provides tools, that support the inspector’s decision. With the application, the runway condition report can be submitted quickly and accurately to air traffic control and the cockpit crew.
“This solution, already in use in the aviation industry, is easy to use and also comes in a mobile app, making it convenient for the inspector to use in the field. The web application, which is part of the solution package, facilitates the management of the app and analysis of the reports,” says Otto Bothas, Head of User Experience at Wapice.
Global Runway Reporter can be provided as Software as a Service (SaaS) or installed directly on the customer’s own server. The system can also be integrated into internal and international airport services, such as the Aeronautical Fixed Telecommunication Network (AFTN) through national Air Navigation Service providers, and the AIMSL service of EUROCONTROL, the European Organisation for the Safety of Air Navigation. The system can also be customised to integrate with other services.
Airports are increasingly looking for comprehensive solutions that are expected to communicate with other airport systems. Therefore, exploring integration solutions in the aviation industry has been a necessary and interesting matter. Having accumulated experience from several projects, we have often ended up consulting airports on how best to build integrations.
“Application development for the aviation industry is a natural extension to Wapice’s work in comprehensive industrial solutions. Aviation safety concerns us all, setting specific requirements on accuracy, quality and functionality, from data security to various integrations. Application development in such an environment has brought new challenges and perspectives as old and complex systems are integrated into modern application development,” Bothas continues.
Moventor is a modern, international, strongly growing and developing manufacturing company, highly specialized in friction measurement and the airport equipment & software business. Our core business areas include developing, manufacturing, delivering and servicing Skiddometer BV11 continuous friction measuring equipment around the world and developing and delivering Global Runway Reporter software. Moventor is committed to providing you products and services that increase the value and effectiveness of your business. Moventor – Makes Every Runway Safer.
Wapice is a Finnish full-service software company whose solutions are used by domain leading industrial companies around the world. We offer close technology partnership and digital services to our customers. Our goal is to make the best use of digitalization opportunities. Established in 1999, Wapice employs over 350 software and electronics experts in Finland. Wapice creates a smarter future today.
TopP Oy is a Finnish software company founded in 1990 having a solid practical experience of aviation industry. Our special expertise is aircraft performance calculation and runway condition reporting. TopP Oy represent high level of expertise also on international level. We have been participating several international development and regulatory projects with other top organizations such as: NASA, Boeing, ICAO, EASA. Our motto is: “First pilot report might be too late”.
Images: © Moventor
Additional Information

Otto Bothas
Mikko Kallio
TopP Oy